Here is today's Daily Health Tip you requested! If you'd like to forward this email, unsubscribe, or manage your subscription, click here. Lessons from Jon Barron 5 Day Liver/Gallbladder Flush  In this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, Jon Barron lays out the components of the five-day liver/gallbladder flush. "The five-day cleanse is a variation of the liver/gallbladder flush recommended by Dr. Richard Schulze and is the one most people should opt for. It's actually both more gentle and more complete than the one-day purge. For complete step-by-step details on how to do the detox, go to the Detox Center at, but I'll summarize it below. The liver/gallbladder flush has five main components that work together and you need to do all five. - Morning Flush Drink—This is the heart of the program. In a blender, mix 8 ounces of any fresh-squeezed citrus juice (fresh apple juice or grape juice with all the sediment will work too), 1 lemon, 1 clove of garlic (increase by 1 clove each day), 1 tablespoon of olive oil (increase by 1 tablespoon each day), and a piece of ginger (about one-inch long) along with 8 ounces of pure water. The way the program works is that you starve your body of fats all day. This allows bile to build up in your liver and gallbladder. Then, in the morning, you have the morning flush drink, which contains your only fat of the day (1–5 tablespoons of olive oil, depending on which day of the flush you're on). This causes the liver and gallbladder to literally "wring themselves out" in an attempt to deal with the oil—squeezing out accumulated fat, cholesterol, softened gallstones, and toxins in the process. The purging action gets progressively stronger each day on the flush. On the last day, when you consume 5 tablespoons of olive oil (a half cup of oil in one shot) that really squeezes the liver and gallbladder.
- Liver Tea—The tea helps with the flushing process itself, but also helps minimize any discomfort or nausea. The key herb in the tea is dandelion root, one of the strongest herbal lipotropics known (it flushes fat deposits from the liver). Other herbs that you will find in a good liver tea include ginger, clove, cinnamon, burdock root, and horsetail. Incidentally, some of the other herbs used in the tea (such as uva ursi, parsley root, and juniper berries) are also extremely beneficial to the kidneys.
- Liver Tincture—The tincture is crucial in that it contains herbs that help the liver to rebuild and regenerate itself. A secondary benefit is that it will significantly reduce the liver's release of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the bad kind. The key herbs include milk thistle, dandelion root, the herb Picrorhiza kurroa (sometimes called kutkin or Indian milk thistle), and artichoke or beet leaf. Some tinctures also include anti-parasitic herbs such as wormwood and black walnut. Along with the garlic that you are taking with the morning liver flush drink, this will drive virtually any parasite from your body.
- Potassium Broth—The potassium broth is exactly what its name says: a clear soup broth that's high in potassium. Its main purpose is to make sure that potassium levels stay high to minimize any chance of your heart rate speeding up while you're fasting and losing electrolytes. It's also outrageously high in garlic to help cleanse the liver and further drive parasites from your body. Key ingredients include potato skins, fresh beets, onions, and 50 cloves of garlic.
- The Diet—It is extremely beneficial to incorporate a two-day raw food and three-day juice fast into your five-day cleanse. Even better, though, is to incorporate a five-day raw juice and chlorella fast. In any case, avoid all fats so as to maximize the "wringing effect" of the morning flush drink.
An Alternative Cleanse For those who don't want to do the full liver flush, there is a slow and easy version that will give you 70 to 80 percent of the benefit without the difficulty. As part of your daily diet, just eat 1 cup of freshly grated beets mixed with olive oil and lemon juice for thirty days straight. Daily use of a liver detox tea is also required. And using one bottle of liver tincture is recommended. " ------ We hope you enjoyed this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Next week we'll talk about what you can expect from the liver/gallbladder flush. If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to get a copy of the book for yourself, please visit one of the following resources.  |  LET'S CONNECT RELATED ARTICLES HEALTH PODCAST "Take Back Your Health" Audio Series by Jon Barron Enjoy Jon Barron's free audio series called "Take Back Your Health" that parallels many of the chapters in Jon Barron's book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors -- with a few added nuggets of information. JON'S BOOK  Read in over 100 countries, learn the health secrets that prevent and reverse illnesses. |
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