CONNECT WITH US   | | Letter from the Editor Understanding that the medical community actually consists of many dissenting voices -- despite the fact that the media presents everything they publish as gold standard scientific fact that everyone agrees with -- can save your life. In this newsletter, Jon explores how opinion on the value of statin drugs is all over the map within the medical community. It's not just alternative health voices that question their value. Knowing how things work can put some steel in your spine the next time you talk to your doctor. (Click here to read article...) Note: for the month of April, Baseline Nutritionals'® "members" whose orders total $207 or more, can buy up to two bottles of Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals for 50% off retail. That's only $24.97 a bottle – or just $17.50 if combined with a Category Discount. This formula not only provides a complete complement of trace minerals, it is also a natural source of electrolytes, magnesium, and maximizes the hydrating power of water. If you haven't already signed up to receive your discount coupons, learn how. It's free. PS: Don't miss our Daily Health Tips. Sign up for free here. PPS: In case you have not read Jon Barron's latest, expanded version of his book, Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, it's available from And now Jon. Kristen Barron Statin Drugs – the JAMA Debate by Jon Barron The April 14th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association inaugurated a new feature called "Viewpoint" -- an "in magazine" debating forum for arguing out key medical issues of the day. Think of it like a civilized version of Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtain's Point/Counterpoint sketches on Saturday Night Live. The subject of the first debate is statin drugs -- or more precisely, "Should a 55-year-old man who is otherwise well, with systolic blood pressure of 110 mm Hg, total cholesterol of 250 mg/dL, and no family history of premature CHD [coronary heart disease] be treated with a statin?" The debate is worth looking at for a number of reasons: - Although the medical community often seems to speak with one unified voice, in truth, it is often very divided on key issues.
- Despite the stance of the AMA against alternative therapies, there is actually a growing movement in the medical community for more natural approaches.
- And even though it seems as if the medical community is firmly behind statin drugs to lower cholesterol -- even to the point of debating whether or not they should be added to the public water supply -- there are a number of strongly dissenting voices…and a number of studies that back that dissent.
With that in mind, let's take a look at the debate. Continue Reading... Ad message from a friend of the website... PhD Nutritionist Reveals the "Cellular Switch" Responsible for Burning Fat from Your Belly, Hips, Waist, Thighs and More... In a remarkable discovery, researchers have pinpointed the precise cellular mechanism that is responsible for dissolving fat from all over your body. It's not a hormone's actually a very powerful enzyme that you've never heard of before, and it's the #1 key to burning fat, losing weight, and keeping it off for good. The only problem is that for most of us, the "cellular switch" that unleashes this enzyme is stuck firmly in the off position, so we are constantly storing fat instead of burning it. Making matters even worse, when this switch is off, you also dramatically increase your risk for heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and yes, even cancer. The sad truth is that it doesn't matter what else you do...absolutely nothing will work to help you trim down until you get this biochemical fat burning powerhouse switched on. What's even more frustrating is all of the confusing messages being spouted by the so-called "diet experts" that are either just plain wrong or intentionally distorted to make a quick buck at your can leave your head spinning. How You Can Flip On This Cellular Switch Right Now... Fortunately, a world-famous PhD board-certified nutritionist, Dr. Jonny Bowden, has agreed to explain precisely how this cellular fat burning switch works and the exact steps you can take right now to unleash its power within you. He has a Master's in Psychology, 6 personal trainer certifications, and is the author of nine books on health, healing, food and longevity including two best-sellers. He recently filmed an entire exposé highlighting this remarkable discovery and also documents the EXACT steps you can also take to start fighting dangerous belly fat, revitalize your health and transform your life. Once you have this powerful metabolic switch turned back on, you'll be startled by how quickly the excess weight starts coming off, day after day, week after week, month after month. This exposé won't be available for much longer, so please, for the sake of your health, your family and your waistline, please go watch it right now. | Find more great topics on natural health @! Health Topics | Detox Program | Health Articles | Programs | Podcasts |
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