CONNECT WITH US   | HEALTH PODCAST "Take Back Your Health" Audio Series by Jon Barron Enjoy Jon Barron's free audio series called "Take Back Your Health" that parallels many of the chapters in Jon Barron's book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors -- with a few added nuggets of information. | | Here is today's Daily Health Tip you requested! If you'd like to forward this email, unsubscribe, or manage your subscription, click here. Lessons from Jon Barron Reasons Modern Medicine Is Slow To Change  In this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, Jon Barron explores the first three reasons that modern medicine is so slow to change. Lack of Information - Many doctors become so busy "practicing" medicine once they graduate from medical school that they no longer have time to study their art. They then rely on "trusted" sources to keep up to date. In fact, for most doctors, their sole source of information, once they start practicing, is the "party line" provided by the associations they belong to and the drug companies promoting their drugs or paying for "peer reviewed" studies that appear in their associations' journals or, even worse, on the sensationalized reports of those studies in the media. The net result is that, over time, they become ill-informed or misinformed—merely parroting the party line. The Wrong Paradigm - We've already discussed the modern medical paradigm, which focuses on body parts and symptoms, but what we haven't discussed is how this paradigm determines how doctors filter reality. A few examples: - Doctors complain that alternative healing is based on anecdotal evidence, not science like "real" medicine. Nevertheless, they remain blind to the fact that 85 percent of all medical procedures they rely on are also untested and based purely on anecdotal evidence. They've even developed a euphemism to describe the process: off-label use, the practice of prescribing drugs for a purpose outside the scope of the drug's approved label. That's right, once the FDA approves a drug for prescription use, there is no regulation as to what it's used for, and so physicians can make decisions based on anecdotal evidence—or even their own best guess. In other words, large numbers of drugs are used for diseases for which their efficacy and safety have never been tested. And that's called "science."
- Doctors say that many alternative healing procedures and herbal remedies are dangerous. In fact, fewer than five people die (theoretically) each year in the U.S. from complications resulting from overdosing on vitamins or an allergic reaction to herbal remedies. That matches up quite well with the 106,000 (conservatively) who die from the pharmaceuticals that doctors prescribe.
- Doctors say that even when people aren't being harmed by alternative health care, they're being fleeced. "Millions of dollars are wasted each year on megadoses of vitamins that are peed down the toilet and on useless herbal concoctions." Somehow, though, these same doctors don't seem too concerned about the billions of dollars that have been spent on the "war on cancer," only to see cancer rates soar to epidemic proportions, or about the $48 billion spent on useless angioplasties each year.
Fear - There is a saying in the medical community that goes, "It is better to die than to go against the faculty of medicine." We've all seen prison movies—Cool Hand Luke, Papillon, and The Shawshank Redemption—where the evil warden keeps his prisoners in line by brutally and publicly punishing any who break any rules. Amazingly, these movies could just as easily have been stories about how the medical establishment keeps its ranks in line. Every doctor knows about the "renegade" doctors who have been harassed, raided, arrested, and driven from their practices for "going against the established order." This tends to keep the rest in line. In 1979, for example, the Florida First District Court of Appeal reversed an order by the Florida Board of Medical Examiners placing Dr. Robert Rogers on probation, accusing him of "quackery under the guise of scientific medicine," and directing him to stop using chelation therapy (a detoxification therapy for removing heavy metals). The district judges not only disagreed with the examiner's ruling, but also declared that Dr. Rogers was a scientific and medical innovator comparable to Freud, Pasteur, and Copernicus. There are literally thousands of such stories—unfortunately, 99 percent of them end less happily. --- We hope you enjoyed this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Next week, we'll take a look at more reasons why modern medicine is slow to change. If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to get a copy of the book for yourself, please visit one of the following resources. Liked this health tip? Pass it along to someone else who might enjoy it as well! Forward this email to a Friend! Find more great topics on natural health @! Health Topics | Detox Program | Health Articles | Programs | Podcasts |
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