Here is today's Daily Health Tip you requested! If you'd like to forward this email, unsubscribe, or manage your subscription, click here. Lessons from Jon Barron After A Detox or Cleanse  In this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, Jon Barron explores how after you detox and cleanse your body, you need to the address the acid/alkaline levels in your body fluids and soft tissue for optimum health. "Representing hydrogen ion concentration, pH is the measurement of the acid/alkaline balance of anything. - On the pH scale, water is neutral and rates a 7.0.
- Acids (such as hydrochloric acid and citric acid) are rated as numbers less than 7.0. The further away from 7.0 the number is, the stronger the acid. Cow's milk at 6.5 is slightly acidic, soft drinks at 3.0 are strongly acidic, and stomach acid at 1.5 is highly acidic.
- Alkaline substances include everything that rates above 7.0 on the pH scale. Again, the further away from 7.0, the more alkaline the substance. Blood at 7.45 is slightly alkaline; pancreatic juice in your intestines is strongly alkaline at 8.8, and baking soda at 12.0 is highly alkaline.
Our bodies function in a very narrow range of acid/alkaline balance (pH). Our blood in particular is very sensitive to these changes. Ideally, blood pH should be slightly alkaline at about 7.45. If it varies by even as little as a few tenths of a point, severe illness and death may result. Unfortunately, most of the food we eat is highly acid-forming in the body (meat, dairy, sodas, alcohol, cooked grains). In the end, it becomes too much for our bodies to handle. If we don't correct the problem by "alkalinizing" the body, disease, sickness, and death are the inevitable result. In effect, alkalinizing the body means that you are removing, or detoxing, the acid imbalance that you have created. Your body has a number of different pH levels that it has to maintain. Your saliva is slightly alkaline, the stomach is strongly acidic during digestion, the intestines are strongly alkaline, and your urine is slightly acidic (to control bacteria). But the most crucial pH level is your blood. Again, if your blood pH deviates even few tenths of a point from its normal pH of 7.45, severe illness or even death is likely. Considering the importance of pH to the body, it's well worth discussing a little further how it affects the body, and how we can help maintain the proper pH levels in our own bodies. The importance of pH really boils down to two things: - Enzymes. Enzymes control every metabolic function in our bodies, and they are integral to our immune system. They function optimally at a specific pH and will become inactive if the pH deviates beyond very narrow limits or a particular enzyme.
- Oxygen. Every cell in our body requires oxygen for life and to maintain optimum health. To put it simply, the more acid the blood, the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. Without going into a discussion of the chemistry involved, just understand that it's the same mechanism involved when acid rain "kills" a lake. The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake "binds up" all of the available oxygen. It's not that the oxygen has gone anywhere, it's just no longer available. Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake, oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. Incidentally, it's worth noting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen)—the higher the pH (the more oxygen present in the cells of the body), the harder it is for cancer to thrive.
The bottom line is that a balanced pH is vital. An extended pH imbalance of any kind threatens our well-being—threatens, in fact, our very lives. Managing the pH balance of all of our bodily fluids, tissues, and organs is so important that our bodies have developed a system to monitor and balance acid-alkaline levels in every cell and biosystem." ------ We hope you enjoyed this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Next week we'll talk about what makes the body more acidic and what makes it more alkaline. If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to get a copy of the book for yourself, please visit one of the following resources.  |  LET'S CONNECT RELATED ARTICLES HEALTH PODCAST "Take Back Your Health" Audio Series by Jon Barron Enjoy Jon Barron's free audio series called "Take Back Your Health" that parallels many of the chapters in Jon Barron's book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors -- with a few added nuggets of information. JON'S BOOK  Read in over 100 countries, learn the health secrets that prevent and reverse illnesses. |
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