CONNECT WITH US   | HEALTH PODCAST Study Says Organic Foods Not Better Should you buy organic? British research implies that consumers are wasting their money on organic produce. Learn more with this health podcast! (17:08) | | Letter from the Editor As Jon explains in this issue of the newsletter, although the results of the Stanford organic food study were predictable, and probably accurate within the scope of what they analyzed for, its fundamental conclusion that buying organic isn't worth the price you pay doesn't hold up. In the end, organic will give you anywhere from decidedly more nutrients to profoundly more nutrients, depending on... Well, you are just going to have to read the newsletter if you want to find out. (Click here to read article...) Note: for many people, the month just before the holidays is the time for colon cleansing and heavy metal detoxing. And for the month of October (beginning Oct 1st, 12:00 AM, Pacific Time), with any order that totals $209 or more, Baseline Nutritionals® is giving you the chance to purchase up to 4 Metal Magic® for 75% off. Just use your discount coupon. If you haven't already signed up to receive your discount coupon, learn how. It's free. PS: Don't miss our Daily Health Tips. Sign up for free here. PPS: If you like our newsletter, please encourage two of your friends to subscribe because Jon's invaluable, free health information could save the life of someone you love. And now Jon. Kristen Barron Why Are Organic Foods More than They Appear? by Jon Barron Earlier this month, the Annals of Internal Medicine published a Stanford study that found that organic foods were neither substantially more nutritious nor substantially "cleaner" than non-organic products and are probably not worth the added cost. As might be expected, these conclusions brought the pundits on both sides of the argument wriggling out of the woodwork. The agricultural industry trumpeted, "See, that's what we've been telling you all along." The organic industry cried, "Foul! The 'small' differences that the study cited are actually important, and besides, even if they aren't, there is bias here." While the direct funding for the study may not have been tainted (it was funded by an undergraduate research grant), some of the researchers involved in the study are affiliates and fellows of Stanford's Freeman Spogli Institute, which has been funded to the tune of millions of dollars by companies such as Cargill, the world's largest agricultural business conglomerate and several agricultural chemical and biotechnology corporations such as Monsanto. "Obviously," the pundits argued, "The researchers are merely doing the bidding of their corporate puppet masters." Also, if that weren't reason enough to leave the issue to others, I've already countered several similar anti-organic studies in previous newsletters--in fact, I've borrowed extensively from those previous newsletters for this report. And besides, Hiyaguha Cohen, one of our foundation staff writers, wrote a blog about this exact study several weeks ago. What more is there to say? Quite simply, the reason I'm dealing with it now is that I believe the true meaning of this study and its results have been left unexplored. Key concepts worth examining have been left on the table. Continue Reading... Find more great topics on natural health @! Health Topics | Detox Program | Health Articles | Programs | Podcasts |
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