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Lessons from Jon Barron
The Mercury In Amalgam Fillings
In this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, Jon Barron talks about the history behind the questionable use of mercury in amalgam fillings. 
"The American Dental Association has resolutely maintained for years that "when mercury is combined with the metals used in dental amalgam, its toxic properties are made harmless." If this were true, it would be miraculously fortuitous. Amalgam, which consists of mercury, silver, tin, copper, and a trace amount of zinc, has been used by dentists for hundreds of years—as far back, actually, as the 7th century in China. In the United States, mercury-based fillings made their appearance in the early 1800s.
From the beginning, there were a number of dentists who were concerned by the presence of mercury, since by that time it was fairly well known that mercury was poisonous. In fact, these concerns were so strong that by the mid-1940s several dental societies, including the American Society of Dental Surgeons, had joined together to stop the use of amalgam fillings. But amalgam was just too easy to work with, and whatever ill effects people experienced were too far down the road to matter. So, in 1859, the American Dental Association (ADA) was founded primarily to promote the use of mercury amalgam as a safe and desirable tooth filling material. There were no tests done. Amalgam was promoted because it was easy to work with. The reason the mercury was used was because it serves to "dissolve" the other metals and make a homogenous whole.
It would be miraculous indeed if you could use one of the most toxic substances known with no ill effect. How was this defended? Well, the early position was that the mercury reacts with the other metals to form a "biologically inactive substance" so that none of it ever makes its way into your body. This was an interesting theory that, of course, turned out to not be true."
We hope you enjoyed this week's excerpt from
Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Next week we'll talk about the scientific studies that call into question the safety of amalgam fillings – and why they're still used. If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to get a copy of the book for yourself, please visit one of the following resources.
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