CONNECT WITH US   | HEALTH PODCAST "Take Back Your Health" Audio Series by Jon Barron Enjoy Jon Barron's free audio series called "Take Back Your Health" that parallels many of the chapters in Jon Barron's book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors -- with a few added nuggets of information. | | Here is today's Daily Health Tip you requested! If you'd like to forward this email, unsubscribe, or manage your subscription, click here. Lessons from Jon Barron The Modern Medical Paradigm In this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, Jon Barron describes how the modern medical paradigm came to be.  "As Michael Culbert, in his book Medical Armageddon, describes it, modern medicine likes to claim Hippocrates and the ancient Greeks as its founding fathers, but the fact is that Isaac Newton and the seventeenth-century philosophers and scientists — who defined the universe as a giant machine ruled by the laws of mechanical physics and math — are probably much better candidates for the title. Physicians of that era likewise began to define the human body as a machine that ran smoothly until acted upon by some outside agent. Accordingly, the human body could be studied, documented, medicated, and tweaked as required. This viewpoint became more and more dominant as time went by, until by the nineteenth century: - The human body was no longer viewed as a holistic entity but rather as a grouping of separate parts and pieces.
- Disease was no longer viewed as an imbalance in the body but rather as a set of symptoms.
- Medical research was defined as the observation and classification of both the body's parts and its various sets of symptoms.
Based on the above, the physician's job was now defined as eliminating (or at least managing) those symptoms. In other words, disease or injury manifests as symptoms entirely separate from the body as a whole. Eliminate the symptoms, and you eliminate the problem. As it turns out, this paradigm works extremely well when it comes to surgical repair. If you break an arm, the doctor works with that part of the body and repairs the arm. If you're shot by a bullet, the doctor removes the bullet and repairs all of the separate parts of your body damaged by the bullet. It's a direct one-to-one correlation. Unfortunately, the paradigm proves far less successful when it comes to many of our most feared degenerative diseases." -- We hope you enjoyed this week's excerpt from Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Next week, we'll take a look at how effective drugs are at treating heart disease. If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to get a copy of the book for yourself, please visit one of the following resources. Liked this health tip? Pass it along to someone else who might enjoy it as well! Forward this email to a Friend! Find more great topics on natural health @! Health Topics | Detox Program | Health Articles | Programs | Podcasts |
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