CONNECT WITH US   | | Here is today's Daily Health Tip you requested! If you'd like to forward this email, unsubscribe, or manage your subscription, click here. Today's Daily Health Tip DMAE - An Anti-Aging Wonder by Matt Anderson Every week, we bring you information about an ingredient that can positively affect your overall health. Today we're going talk about DMAE. DMAE is short for (dimethylaminoethanol), a naturally-occurring nutrient that enhances acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis. Adequate levels of ACh are important for proper memory function. Normally found in small amounts in our brains, DMAE has been shown to remarkably enhance brain function when used as a supplement in clinical studies. By any definition, DMAE is the perfect companion to carnosine in an anti-aging formulation. First, it reinforces carnosine's own anti-aging properties. Then, it provides a whole series of complementary benefits of its own. One of the prime actions of DMAE is that it flushes accumulated lipofuscin from your body – from the neurons in your brain, from your skin, and from all other organs. It also complements carnosine in that DMAE on its own has been shown to inhibit and reverse the Cross-Linking of proteins and extend lifespan. Many people have heard of the anti-aging results that Romanian scientist, Ana Aslan, achieved using something called GH3, or procaine. What most people do not know is that GH3 breaks down in the body to form DMAE (after first metabolizing into DEAE) and PABA. In other words, DMAE is the key active component in Ana Aslan's anti-aging formula. Numerous scientific studies now show that DMAE can help: - Increase Acetylcholine levels and RNA levels in the brain
- Stimulate mental activity
- Increase attention span
- Increase alertness
- Increase intelligence (especially in children)
- Improve learning and memory
- Increase energy levels
- Provide a mild, safe tonic effect
- Stimulate the central nervous system
- Relieve anxiety
- Elevate mood in general
- Alleviate behavioral problems and hyperactivity associated with Attention Deficit Disorder
- Increase motivation and reduce apathy in persons suffering from depression
- Induce sounder sleep
- Over time reduce the amount of sleep required by about 1 hour per night
- Intensify dreams tremendously. (Even more so when you take it along with a large dose of phosphatidyl choline -- a key component of lecithin)
- Cause dreams to become more lucid
- Increase willpower
- Decrease the incidence and severity of hangovers in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol
Clinical studies of DMAE have used up to 1,600 mg per day with no reports of side effects. In some cases, some people may experience slight headaches, muscle tension, or insomnia if they take too much too soon. These effects are easily eliminated if intake is reduced and then gradually increased. Although there is no direct connection, many manufacturers recommend that women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, anyone who suffers from convulsions, epilepsy, or seizure disorders, and people with manic-depressive illness should avoid using DMAE. This is probably more of a legal issue than a medical issue. For more info on natural anti-aging formulas, click here. Liked this health tip? Pass it along to someone else who might enjoy it as well! Forward this email to a Friend! Find more great topics on natural health @! Health Topics | Detox Program | Health Articles | Programs | Podcasts |
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